My Biggest 6 Lessons of 2022

The year 2022 is over!!!

The year 2022 thought of lots of good things and bad things for people. From my perspective, 2022 is a valuable year for me. Because, I passed through lots of joyful moments, emotional brake downs, crucial decisions and more. As I learnt some lessons in the year 2022, I would like to share those with all of you. Here, are my biggest lessons of 2022.

1. Never exploit other's work

I passed through some personal incident, where someone stole my work and gained from it. At that moment, my I realized if someone stole your work and gain something from it that hurt worst. So Try to be kind and If you use others’ work at least try to give credit for that.

2. Try new things

Exploring new things helps you to know yourself well. It teaches you about your strengths, weakness, happiness and more. Do not be afraid to try new things.

3. Take care of mental and physical health

There is one proverb, “You can’t draw without the wall”. You can not achieve huge without good mental and physical health. In 2022, I did go through a few health issues and broke downs. That taught me to take care of my mental and physical health.

4. Evaluate the performance

All of us, take the new year's resolutions and set goals. By the end of the year, there is the biggest question ‘Did we achieve our goals?’ Lots of people failed to achieve their goals. Because people missed keeping track of their progress. To achieve my resolutions and goals, I followed one thing that is “Evaluate the performance”. By evaluating the performance of my progress, I can know whether on the correct path or not.

5. Learn from everything

This year has shown me how important it is to learn. I learnt lot from my mistakes, others’ mistakes, my superiors, my friends and more. Being one step ahead every day will help you to reach your destination. ‘Consistency is key’ so be consistent with your learning. Try to learn from everyone and everything every day

6. Never procrastinate

Procrastination is worst practice than you think. It is the enemy of productivity and It’s one of the reasons to fail to achieve our goals. I use one effective technique to eliminate procrastination. The counting technique means counting from 10 to 1 when you feel to procrastinate and you have work to complete. On count 1, Get up from bed and start working. That helped me a lot to complete my work and achieve my goals.

That’s all. Here, I shared my experiences and learnings from 2022. I hope, you like my blog. That’s my first blog and if you give feedback that will help me to improve my skills.

Happily welcome to the year 2023. Hope! This year will bring you more joyful days. Happy new year 😇

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